Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


On the rewarding yet challenging path of wealth management

Schonberg Wealth is your seasoned guide, mirroring the expertise of a skilled mountaineer. Our toolbox, filled with the financial equivalents of ropes, harnesses, and maps, ensures a secure and strategic progression through your financial landscape.

Financial Management

Discover the art of financial harmony where every element of your wealth is intricately and thoughtfully connected.

Tailored Solutions

Crafting tailored financial solutions with precision, meeting the unique needs of every individual client.

Building Relationships

We're more than a Wealth Management Company – we're committed to building lasting, trust-filled relationships.

At each significant milestone, much like a climber pausing to relish the view from an elevated ridge

we take a moment to celebrate your progress and refine our approach.

With Schonberg Wealth as your experienced navigator, embark on a journey through the challenging yet rewarding terrain of wealth management.

Expertly steering through the complexities of investments, we help you maintain steady growth.

As we guide you through the unpredictable currents of the stock market, the nuances of bonds, and the intricacies of retirement planning, our approach is as precise and dependable as a mountaineer's gear.

Trust in Schonberg Wealth, where our seasoned expertise mirrors the skill and confidence of an adept climber on their ascent.

At each significant milestone

much like a climber pausing to relish the view from an elevated ridge, we take a moment to celebrate your progress and refine our approach.

We recognize that the summit of financial success

is not just a final destination, but a journey marked by continuous effort, strategic planning, and a partnership built on trust and expertise.

With Schonberg Wealth

your ascent towards financial heights is a testament to resilience, strength, and the shared joys of the journey. As we collaboratively traverse the mountain of financial and investment planning, we employ our tools and skills to ensure a journey that is not only successful but also deeply fulfilling and enriching.

Navigate your Financial Journey

Our mission is to guide you through the complex and often unpredictable terrain of financial and investment management. With tools as varied and reliable as a mountaineer’s gear, we navigate you through the ups and downs of the market with precision and foresight.

Each step of this journey is crafted

to strengthen your financial resilience, bringing us closer to the peaks of success.

We don't just aim for the summit

we celebrate the journey, cherishing each milestone as a testament to our partnership. Here, your financial goals are not just destinations but markers of a shared adventure in prosperity and wisdom.

join us on the journey to financial success

Our Services

Offshore Offering

Partnering with a leading firm, offering specialized guidance in offshore interests and complex tax matters.

Investment Management

Crafting personalised strategies aligned with your goals, backed by transparency for informed decisions.

Tax & Financial Planning

Providing trustworthy financial guidance, prioritising transparency and tax efficiency, tailored to your cash flow for your financial health.

Retirement Planning

Safeguard your future with expert retirement planning. We simplify long-term savings for a stress-free retirement tailored to you.

Risk Planning

Safeguarding your wealth with tailored solutions, leveraging expertise and a commitment to excellence.

Estate Planning & Trusts

Estate planning is the cornerstone of our approach, ensuring clients' financial well-being with secure solutions.

Contact Schonberg Wealth Financial Brokers

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